Our Services

CeeWay Engineering offers the following services:

  • Fabrication of mild steel or stainless steel: pipe work, chutes, tanks, thickeners, feeders, screens, floatation tanks, structural steelwork, conveying equipment, etc
  • Corrosion protection: sandblasting, painting, rubber lining and pickle and passivation.
  • Site installations
  • Repairs, maintenance and modifications of site equipment
  • Breakdown services for urgent jobs

Logistics assistance to our clients through a network of partnerships, we can enhance our offering to:

  • Machining
  • Specialised bending, rolling and guillotining
  • Specialized wear and tear applications eg ceramic lining, polyurethane lining, etc
  • On – site sand blasting, painting and rubber lining
  • On – site fire protective painting on mechanical equipment ctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

CEEWAY ENGINEERING’s keys to success include:

  • A high level of quality in its product line.
  • Maintaining and growing its referral networks to generate new and repeat sales.
  • Significant investments in research and development and engineering with the aim to focus on precisely controlled equipment.
  • Improving efficiencies of operations.

Need more information?

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Safety and Quality at our Workplace

Quality is never compromised as all our activities are carried out under very strict control environment. All employees are properly training and certified and responsible to maintain adequate quality of workmanship. Our inspectors, supervisors and foremen are also fully armed with calibrated equipment to ensure the highest quality is always maintained.

Modern technology is used to track the material flow throughout production process. Safety or quality are never compromised.